» » Maha Kali Birth Story

Maha Kali Birth Story


Once the whole universe was suffering with floods. Water surrounded everything. At that moment, a lotus originated from the Naval of Lord Vishnu. Lord Brahma was evolved from the lotus. apart from this, some dirt came out from the ears of lord Narayan which later changed into 2 demons, Ketab and Madhu. The demons could not see anything around, other than Lord Brahma.

Seeing lord, the demons ran to kill him. Frightened lord Brahma, worshipped lord Vishnu. By the praising of lord Brahma, the Mahamaya of Brahma which resided as Yognindra in the eyes of Vishnu disappeared and he woke up. Immediately, the 2 devils started fighting with God Vishnu.

Mahamaya changed the ,ind of demons, for the safety of lord. Then, demon said that they were pleased by the fight of lord Vishnu. And, said him to ask anything. Lord Vishnu used the chance properly and asked for the destruction of demons. Devil agreed and is ended all the demons. The one who brain washed the demons is known as ‘Mahakali’.

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